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Monday, March 08, 2010

ads steal art

Art Monthly delves into the ad world this month with the latest rip off from Toshiba. Their clumsy remake of Escape Vehicle No 6, Simon Faithfull (2004) loses it's fragile plastic chair and cuts out the layers of meaning by reducing it's message to watching their TV.

It seems there is more of a curator/exploiter to the creative ad man these days than being creative. Anyone can watch youtube all day and then get a production company to remake films. Maybe try and think of an original idea instead.

Other great rip offs, Honda Cogs, Dept of Transport Dancing Bear, Iphone Hello, Sony Bunnies, Cadbury's Gorilla.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Art Monthly No 344 March 2010

Good editorial comment about Tate's censorship policy driven by Corporate sponsors.

Censored art means it's not art in the first place doesn't it.

towner gallery eastbourne

towner are running these great series of workshops and events for their dark monarch exhibition.

the exhibition trys to do to much with the theme and the over all feeling is a little hitch potch but there are some great pieces by hepworth, moore and other mainly British artists.

you can make collages with paper and images to be put up any where in the gallery corridors and stair well.