Ginger Monkey posts on the WCRS recent copying of someone else's work without credit. Most of the argument is around the fact that the campaign's important message of road safety makes it OK to do this. It is never OK to copy someone's work with out crediting them by permission. The best thing to do, is get them involved in the campaign from the start.
Guinness Hands created by Tony & Mike at AMV did this by getting Michael Schlingmann the originator of some test animations to animate the whole ad. It's the right thing to do.
Agencies need to have the integrity to contact the originator and talk to them up front. I'm sure the Professor involved would have been more than happy to help make their film even better. Imagine having the depth of knowledge he would add to the work, it begs the question why would you not get him involved.
This and many other copy cat cases have come to light so quickly because of blogging and web based news. I hope WCRS have the decency to add Prof. Daniel Simons into the credits. I think as a viral film Simon's works better as the low quality footage and scientific experiment set up works well.
Daniels orginal film here
TfL WCRS film here
Agencies need to have the integrity to contact the originator and talk to them up front. I'm sure the Professor involved would have been more than happy to help make their film even better. Imagine having the depth of knowledge he would add to the work, it begs the question why would you not get him involved.
This and many other copy cat cases have come to light so quickly because of blogging and web based news. I hope WCRS have the decency to add Prof. Daniel Simons into the credits. I think as a viral film Simon's works better as the low quality footage and scientific experiment set up works well.
Daniels orginal film here
TfL WCRS film here
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