I hate ppt as much as the next person, it's good at picture slide shows but that's it. Tufte argues that ppt degrades information to a confusing bullet point mess. I have to agree after years of reading strategy, campaign and internal marketing documents I find these things the most annoying;
The 'only people that work in this silo can understand this acronym' use a word that descibes it instead nobbers.
Bullet points, absolutly worthless. The equivilent of producing endless lists that lead no where. Bullet points are just nasty, don't get me started on bullets in copy in books. If you have somthing to say just say it, adding a dot adds nothing.
People are afraid to make ppt copy complicated. Why not use a desktop publishing package and make a pdf file which can be zoomed in and out of, thus enabling lots of detail. This chart produced by the BBC is just amazing, ppt just cant do this level of detail. bbc.
"Alas, slideware often reduces the analytical quality of presentations. In particular, the popular PowerPoint templates (ready-made designs) usually weaken verbal and spatial reasoning, and almost always corrupt statistical analysis."
Edward R Tufte.
And for those that do struggle with acronyms, this site is always handy.
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